

Please note that the system does not automatically send a request for a recommendation; the applicant must request the person providing the recommendation to submit it to the Foundation themselves.

Recommendations can either be attached to the application or the person giving the recommendation can submit it to the Foundation. No code or personalized link is needed for submitting the recommendation. The recommendation is matched automatically with the correct application by the name of the grant applicant.

It is only possible to submit recommendations during the application period. Please note that the Foundation does not process recommendations sent outside of the application period. We recommend that applicants contact those providing recommendations well in advance.

Recommendations are mandatory for doctoral researchers.

For persons giving recommendations:

The person providing the statement or recommendation is asked to electronically submit their recommendation to the Foundation. Please fill in the details of the recommender and the applicant and attach the statement. If you provide statements for multiple applicants, the Foundation kindly requests the recommender to also include an assessment of the applications’ mutual ranking.

After you have submitted the recommendation, you will receive a confirmation to the provided email address.