

The Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation supports diverse basic research in mathematics and the natural sciences, as well as the development of school education in these subjects. The application period for grants is annually from 15 October to 30 November.

Personal working grants for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers

Personal working grants are awarded for doctoral researchers and researchers in the post-doc phase of their research career. The personal working grants are meant for full- or part-time research work, free from other work.

Personal working grants can be applied for multiple years, up to four for doctoral researchers and three for postdoctoral researchers.

Recipients of multi-year grants need to report to the foundation of the progress annually. The multi-year grants are paid out in annual instalments.

Shorter grants can also be paid out to researchers returning to Finland from abroad or as bridge funding between the PhD and the post-doc phase.

A full-time annual working grant is 30 000 euros for doctoral researchers and 34 000 euros for postdoctoral researchers.

Grants can also be awarded for part-time work. The use of the grant part-time is always agreed upon with the Foundation’s director. Small-scale work besides the research such as lecturing or tutoring is allowed without special permission by the Foundation. Additionally, part-time salaries paid by the university to align income differences between researchers or to facilitate services such as access to occupational health care, are acceptable without specific permission.

Cotutelle grants for doctoral research

The foundation annually awards cotutelle grants within the areas it supports under the framework of the Finland-France Maupertuis cooperation agreement. Grants are available for both Finnish and French doctoral researchers who plan to obtain their doctoral degrees through collaboration between a French and a Finnish university.

Research grants

Leaders of research groups can apply for a research grant to cover the expenses of the group. Research grants are awarded for ongoing costs, and in special cases for equipment, as well as personnel expenses. The leaders of research groups can apply for research grants for longer periods lasting 2–3 years. The recipient of the grant should report to the foundation annually regarding the use of the grant in the case of multi-year grants.

The awarded research grants are typically around 20 000 euros.

From the Walter and Lisi Wahls Fund, an annual grant of approximately 20 000 euros can be granted for equipment acquisitions.

Travel grants for researchers

The foundation awards travel grants primarily for longer research stays at universities or research institutions abroad. Conference travel is not prioritized. Funds are granted for travel expenses, hotel and accommodation costs, participation fees, and normal living expenses.

Grants for teaching in schools

The foundation annually awards grants for the development of school education in mathematics and the natural sciences in Finland. Grants can be applied for by organizers of professional development courses and events for lecture and teaching material costs, as well as for the participants’ travel and accommodation expenses. If the education is organized in Finland, the foundation primarily supports the organizer and not individual participants.

Teachers in mathematics and the natural sciences can also apply for personal travel grants to professional development courses or meetings held abroad. The school principal provides a statement regarding the relevance and benefit of the trip as an attachment to the application.