All grants are applied for annually from 15 October to 30 November. Grant applications are made through the Foundation’s electronic application portal. The Foundation does not accept applications or attachments via mail or email. Only applications submitted during the application period are considered. Grants undergo peer review from December to January, and the final decisions are typically made in February. The grants are awarded on Magnus Ehrnrooth’s birthday, 6 March.
Write the application with care. Provide all relevant details but focus on the essentials. The title of the application should be short and describe the purpose of the application. The title is used as such in the approval letter and published on the Foundation’s website if a grant is awarded.
Applications are made through the Foundation’s electronic application system. You can save your application and continue writing it later. Submitted applications cannot be revised. If you discover an error in an already submitted application, you can submit a new application and delete the old one from the system.
The application system is available during the application period. Make sure that the application with attachments has been submitted before the application period ends and the application system closes. Please note that a saved application is not submitted.
The application system closes at midnight Finnish time when the application period ends. Applications not submitted before that time will not be processed. We recommend submitting the application well in advance of the application deadline.
If you have been awarded a multi-year grant, you do not need to renew your application every year. Instead, you should annually submit a report to the foundation detailing the progress of your research work.
The application must be accompanied by a statement or recommendation supporting the grant application. Please see detailed instructions for obtaining statements.
We ask that all attachments to the application be submitted as a single .pdf file.
Please provide as attachments to the applications for personal working grants and research grants:
As attachments to travel grants applications, please provide:
In cotutelle applications, please note that the application should include information about the French and Finnish collaborative partner and supervisor of the dissertation project, as well as the significance that the Cotutelle collaboration brings to the research.
In addition to the aforementioned attachments, the following documents are also included with the cotutelle application:
Recipients of cotutelle doctoral scholarships must also apply for the right to pursue doctoral studies at the French/Finnish collaborating university during the first year.
The grant can be conditionally granted to students at the master’s level whose degree is nearly completed. The grant will be paid once the undergraduate degree is completed, and proof of admission to doctoral studies has been sent to the foundation.
The scholarship can also be awarded for postdoctoral research to doctoral candidates whose dissertation work is in its final stages, and the defense will occur after the application deadline has passed. In such cases, the application should include, for example, a statement from the supervisor or pre-examiners indicating the status of the dissertation project.
As attachments to course providers’ applications:
To travel grant applications for teachers is attached: