
Doctor of Philosophy Martin Cech 29.000 Multiple Dirichlet series and analytic number theory Teknologie doktor Mats Gyllenberg 15.000 Personligt stipendium och resor Filosofian maisteri Damian Heiman 62.000 Descriptive complexity for neural networks and distributed computing Master of science Siiri Kivimäki 48.000 Games in logic and universality problems FD, docent Mikael Kurula 3.810 Forskarbesök i Sydafrika […]


MSc. Mihaela Bezak 1.700 Short research visits to Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Diamond Light Source Synchrotron Ph.D. Ding Changzeng 28.000 Developing new understanding of degradation mechanisms in perovskite solar cell using extraction current transient techniques. PhD Hong Gong 29.000 Polariton enhanced quantum battery (PEQB) Post-doctoral research on organic microcavity polariton based quantum battery that is environmentally […]