Medical Chemistry

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Post Graduate Diploma , Bachelor of Engineering in Biotechnology Syeda Afshan 14.000
Novel prognostic and therapeutic target based on fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) signaling in advanced prostate cancer

PhD Latifeh Azizi 34.000
STAT5-tetrameroituminen ja DNA-vuorovaikutukset: rakenneanalyysi ja inhibiittoristrategiat.

Ph.D Matjaz Barboric 10.000
Combinatorial targeting of the CDK12-BAF gene regulatory axis in cancer

MSc Cinzia Bessone 30.000
Analysis of Prox1 transcription factor in intestinal differentiation and maintenance of the tumor stem cell pool

Docent in Cancer Biology James Conway 19.998
Age-associated changes in extracellular matrix components support therapy resistance and breast cancer progression (OlderECM)

Filosofian maisteri Sofia Forstén 2.000
Tutkimusvierailu Ruben VanBoxtelin ryhmässä Alankomaissa – Koko genomin yksisolusekvensointi -metodin opetteleminen.

Professor Carl G. Gahmberg 10.000
Hypoxi främjar kolorektal cancer genom ett integrin alfaD/hemoglobin delta komplex

Docent Carina Holmberg-Still 8.000
Characterization of modes of action of genetic proteasome regulators

FM, YTM Minne Jartti 30.000
Novel vaccines protecting against rhino- and enterovirus D68 induced diseases

Filosofian maisteri Timo Keskinen 30.000
Modeling inborn errors of metabolism and developing clinically applicable gene editing tools using CRISPR base editors

FT Jenni Laitila 8.000
Elucidating pathogenetic mechanisms in neuromuscular disorders by single myofibre studies

FT Aki Manninen 10.000
The role of ECM-mediated regulation of nuclear mechanics in prostate cancer initiation

FD, Docent Annika Meinander 6.500
Ubiquitin-mediated regulation of inflammatory target gene selection

MD, PhD Seppo Meri 15.000
Exploring Programmed Cell Death in Plasmodium falciparum: Venetoclax as a Targeted Inducer for Therapeutic Development

Professori Timo Myöhänen 8.000
Uusien MID1-ligandien kehittäminen dementian hoitoon

Doc Eriksson-Rosenberg Ove 10.000
Den mitokondriella tumörsuppressorn LACTB och dess funktion i lipidomsättningen med fokus på tumör-associerade makrofager

LKT Pertti Panula 12.000
Uudet G-proteiinikytkentäiset reseptorit aivojen rappeumasairauksissa

Master of Science Fanny Rostedt 2.000
Advancing my research toolkit: learning the details of single muscle fibre mechanics during a research visit in Amsterdam

M.Sc Sven Sakson 4.000
Novel small molecule neuroprotective agents for ALS & PD

Doctorate Vignesh Srinivasan 34.000
Identifying new structure-switching proteins that regulate neuronal synaptic plasticity

PhD Freddy Suarez Rodriguez 25.500
Engineering non-canonical Notch signaling to understand vascular function

emeritusprofessori Antti Vaheri 10.000

LT, dos Kirmo Wartiovaara 30.000
Genetic correction of Hemophilia A